Adam Gregory

Down the Road

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I see your tears
I hear your words
Girl, I feel how much this hurts
I know you can't, see it now
But I promise you, somehow

It's gonna be beautiful
It's gonna be easy
It's gonna be magic
It's gonna be healing
There's a place you're meant to be
But it's somewhere
Down the road from me

I ask God, "What do I do?"
"What's the best way I can love you?"
He said, "Son, you gotta set her free
'Cause I have a way that she has just gotta see"

It's gonna be beautiful
It's gonna be easy
It's gonna be magic
It's gonna be healing
There is a place you're meant to be
But it's somewhere
Down the road from me

It might be a thousand tears away
But baby, I believe that there comes a day

It's gonna be beautiful
It's gonna be easy
It's gonna be magic
It's gonna be healing
There is a place you're meant to be
But it's somewhere down the road from me
But it's somewhere down the road from me

Autor(es): Adam Gregory / Joe Leathers / Kyle Jacobs / Lee Brice

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Adam Gregory en Noviembre