Gladys Knight

Every Beat of My Heart

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Through these misty eyes I see lonely skies
Lonely road to Babylon
Where's my family
And my country
heaven knows where I belong

Pack my bags tonight
Here's one Jacobite
Who must leave or surely die
Put me on a train
In the pouring rain say farewell
but don't say goodbye

Seagull carry me, over land and sea
To my own folk, that's where I want to be
Every beat of my heart
Tears me further apart
I'm lost and alone in the dark
I'm going home

One more glass of wine
Just for auld lang syne
And the girl I left behind
How I miss her now In my darkest hour
And the way our arms entwine

Seagull carry me, over land and sea
To my own folk, that's where I want to be
Every beat of my heart
Tears me further apart
I'm lost and alone in the dark
I'm going home

And we'll drink a toast
To the blood red rose
Cheer a while the
Emerald Isle
And to the northern lights
And the swirling pipes
How they make a grown man cry

Seagull carry me, over land and sea
To my own folk, that's where I want to be
Every beat of my heart
Tears me further apart
I'm lost and alone in the dark
I'm going home

Autor(es): Johnny Otis

Every Beat of My Heart de Gladys Knight

Esta canción aparece en 15 discos

Love Songs - Gladys Knight
Love Songs
Letter Full of Tears - Gladys Knight
Letter Full of Tears
Every Beat of My Heart (Remastered) - Single - Gladys Knight
Every Beat of My Heart (Remastered) - Single
Giving Up - The Amazing Gladys Knight - Gladys Knight
Giving Up - The Amazing Gladys Knight
Come See About Me - Premium Collection - Gladys Knight
Come See About Me - Premium Collection
Modern Art of Music: Gladys Knight - The Album - Gladys Knight
Modern Art of Music: Gladys Knight - The Album
Music & Highlights: Gladys Knight - The Album - Gladys Knight
Music & Highlights: Gladys Knight - The Album
Masters of the Last Century: Best of Gladys Knight - Gladys Knight
Masters of the Last Century: Best of Gladys Knight
The Legend Collection: Gladys Knight - Gladys Knight
The Legend Collection: Gladys Knight
So Sad the Song - Gladys Knight
So Sad the Song
The Queen of Tears - Gladys Knight
The Queen of Tears
Every Beat of My Heart & Other Favorites - Gladys Knight
Every Beat of My Heart & Other Favorites
Reaching Out - Gladys Knight
Reaching Out
Come See About Me - Gladys Knight
Come See About Me
Beats of My Heart - Gladys Knight
Beats of My Heart
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