
Far Away From Love

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I'm alone thinking
I see the night turn to sun
And kill the pain is hard for everyone
I used to be a dreamer
I used to live by your side
Now i can't taste this moment anymore
I threw the reason away
Now i'm back to the feelings
You always bring me down, but i insist to keep you inside of my soul…….
Far away, far away, far away from love…….
My heart is broken in pieces
Big pieces, like a stone
The heart beat is silent, once more
I threw the reason away
Now i'm back to the feelings
You always bring me down, but i insist to keep you inside of my soul…….
Far away, far away, far away from love…….
Time turns me stronger
A chance for another rising
I won't live by your side
I'll try to leave you girl
I threw the reason away
Now i'm back to the feelings
They hear me crying aloud, and its time to set you free of my soul……

Autor(es): Winner