Funeral Dress

Freedom and Liberty

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Hey you, understand
Quit now, start again
Time to shut down automatism
Time to let it fly
When I get up, late AM
I know, what I want
Something more than a sketchy life
I know I want it all

and I won't compromise,
The big little white lie!

Freedom, Freedom,
Freedom and Liberty
Freedom, Freedom,
Freedom and Liberty

one chance, one road
You better look for your own,
The gift of life is a wasted present
If you don't succeed!
Think, act, choose wisely,
Don't hurt anybody;
That's the only groundrule people,
One law for the FREE!

and don't you compromise,
The big little white lie!



when you got no hope and a broken soul,
And blind ambition took your heart,
Get up, hey, step into
Freedom and Liberty!"

Autor(es): Funeral Dress