Brandon Rhyder

Go Back in Fool

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Go back in fool, what's the matter with you
You ain't going no where, and you know it
There's no answers in this yard
No wisdom in the dark
Quit talking to the stars
Before you blow it

Go back inside, and just hold her for a while
She's one of a kind, she's worth the fight
And you can't stay out here all night

So go back in fool, you're getting cold
Shes got her heart pressed up against the other side of the door
This is no time, to make a stand
Come on boy, it's time to be a man


Go back inside, just hold her for a while
She one's of a kind, she's worth the fight
Go back inside, just hold her for a while
She's one of kind, forget your pride


Go back in fool, what's the matter with you
You ain't going nowhere and you know it

Autor(es): Brandon Rhyder / Liz Rose / Walt Wilkins