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Yeah, I keep messing up my lipstick
Yeah, ooh oh

My feet, keep taking me to your street
'cause there's a chance I'll meet, you
That's what I want to do
I, keep looking for a chance
A chance to steal a glance of you
That's that I want to do

Come on please take my hand
I need somebody to understand
I need somebody to show
The way to go-go

I can't stand up
I can't get down
Get down
Get down

I can't stand up
I can't get down
Get down
Get down

Unless I'm making a mistake
We've got some loving to make ooh
That's what I want to do
My feet keep taking me to you street
'cause there's a chance I'll meet, you
That's what I want to do

Come please take my hand
I need somebody to understand
I need somebody to show
The way to go-go

I can't stand up
I can't get down
Get down
Get down

I can't stand up
I can't get down
Get down
Get down

When you come around
I fall to the floor
Hammer on the door
A million times or more

When you come around
(what do you do?)
I hammer on the door
A million times or more

When you come around
(what do you do?)
I hammer on the door
A million times or more

I can't stand up
I can't get down
Get down
Get down

I can't stand up
I can't get down
Get down
Ooh ooh

Autor(es): Alphabeat