Hank Thompson

It Makes No Difference Now

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Makes no difference now what kind of life they hands me
I'll get along without you now that's plain to see
I don't care what happens next for I'll get by somehow
I don't worry cause it makes no difference now
It was just a year ago when I first met you
I learned to love you and I thought you'd love me too
But now that's all in the past and I'll forget somehow
I don't worry cause it makes no difference now
Now that we have really parted I can't believe we're through
I don't blame myself and I'm sure I can't blame you
There was something had to happen and it happened somehow
I don't worry cause it makes no difference now
After all it's said and done I'll soon forget you
Although I know that it will be so hard to do
Let things happen as they will and I'll get by somehow
I don't worry cause it makes no difference now

Autor(es): Floyd Tillman / Jimmie Davis

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