
Jacob Thinks I'm Gay

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Jacob sits outside the door
And runs into the class when I sit down
He takes a seat right next to me
I never thought about it until now

and even if a boy likes me
It's not the end of the world
He may be a really nice guy
But I only like girls
On the computer I got a letter
Jacob says he wants to know me better
A little flattering
But way too strange
That jacob thinks I'm gay

jacob walks right up to me
Before I get a foot out of the door
He takes a second look at me
I guess he wanted just a little more

and even if a boy likes me
It's not the end of the world
He may be a really nice guy
But I only like girls
On the computer I got a letter
Jacob says he wants to know me better
A little flattering
But way too strange
That jacob thinks I'm gay

Na Na Na Na Na...

and even if a boy likes me
It's not the end of the world
He may be a really nice guy
But I only like girls
On the computer I got a letter
Jacob says he wants to know me better
A little flattering
But way too strange
That jacob thinks I'm gay

Autor(es): Allister