Gladys Knight

Letter Full of Tears [1970 Version]

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Here comes the mailman walking, walking, walking up the street
And it looks like he has a letter today for me, oh yes, he does
Wait a minute let me look inside
No, it couldn't be, couldn't be, couldn't be, couldn't be from my guy

Because he brought me, yeah
I said, he brought me
A letter full of tears

I thought we had a love so strong, oh yes we did now
It would take a lifetime to break us apart, yeah
But I found out today, I found out today I was wrong, yes I was
And my reward, my reward was a broken heart, oh

Here comes the teardrops
Welcome, welcome to my eyes
And I couldn't hold 'em back, so couldn't hold 'em back
No matter if I tried, no, no, no

Wait a minute let me look inside
No, it couldn't be, couldn't be, couldn't be, couldn't be from my guy

Because he brought me
I said, he brought me
A letter full of tears
Bringing me tears, oh yes he did
Here he comes y'all
Yes he did
Bringing me tears, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah

Yes he did
I said he brought me
Yeah, yes he did
A letter full of tears, y'all
Said I waited such a long time
Just to get my mailman but he brought me

Autor(es): Don Covay

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