
My mind be thinking 24/7
And I suffer the consequence for that!

I keep my head down, wherever I go...
I keep my life private so they will never know
I worry about which friends are really my friends
It's been happening so long I don't know where it began
I'm an average guy. Why this happening to me?
I'm not even famous, I've got low popularity
I constantly yell out... "fuck you guys"
And all I'm left to do is theorize
Am I truly special or part of a sick joke?
An idiot who's emotions can be poked
And I've tried everything just to get away
But regardless of my efforts, they always find a way
I'm sorry if you're scared but I'm scared all day
I'm so scared, I've gotten on my knees and prayed
Just hoping that the damage being caused will stop
And my troubles and my past will be let to rot

You know I'm always looking over my shoulder, looking at every person that passes by me
And I look so out of place when I do it, but what the fuck am I supposed to do?

I didn't mean nothing, I'm just a speck
So why is it I get the most disrespect?
Saying lies about me and then making them true
Shooting a gun through the head now isn't that cool?
I keep my guard up, just in case they wait...
I don't assume, cause that'd be a mistake...
You know I'm dealing with people who have no lives
Yet nobody cared if I passed away and died
They like dracula, always trying to suck my blood
They've got knives and weapons, they motherfucking thugs
And whenever I see them I'm like... "Aw shit!"
And I put my hands together and I try to make a wish
I can't live life like this... This is inhumane
My life isn't some stupid silly videogame
But what am I supposed to do? Hide?
No other option but to get in my car and ride

It's hard when someone's pulling at your strings and you don't know what to do about it
It's also hard when the doctors don't understand you and they don't know what to do

When I'm riding my bike home I see the lights get closer
I get anxious, I'm probably might die with no closure
They look beautiful but I'm aware of the deception
I'm just hoping they don't turn into my direction
I do the things that I have to do...
I don't have rides home like you do
I know it looks scary but any other options?
Other than short of accepting fate and stoppin'?
What I really want is to live
But my life is held hostage by a bunch of kids
They will never understand the consequences
And they will continue on until they end it
I shouldn't be paranoid but here I am
Looking at everybody like I give a damn
I know you're laughing, but I'mma ask this...
Why do you care about my life?, it's worthless!

Autor(es): Taylor Karras