Europe Change Bad

Europe change bad
and my friends of foot in the ways.
Listen now!
Strong song for your crazy head.
The man working for the money and we working for the life.
Poor man walking to the streets and destroy the hypocrisy all round you.
Not money, not simpathy
many money, many simpathy, but friends, rich and poor the same history for me.
Now, I can say withother language.
En català!
Però no et puc dir moltes frases, la música viu dins meu.
Tempslliure per anar esperant els amics que sempre arriben
i sempre responen.
Entens! Fàcilment m'acompanyes pel camí de la incertesa però no importa, jo sóc el mateix que neix en cada cançó.
Europe change bad.

Autor(es): Sebastià Roure,Pascal Comelade

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