Fiamma Fumana

Fiamma Fumana song lyrics

30 songs

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Fiamma Fumana
About Fiamma Fumana
Italian act Fiamma Fumana is composed of three talents: singer Fiamma, paired with musicians Alberto and Marco. In Italian "fiamma" translates to "flame" and "fumana" to "fog" or "mist," which together, as the band states, represents the mysterious resilience of the past. Alberto, who plays the accordion, was a founding member in the Italian world music band Modern City Ramblers, and Marco is the computer-based musician of the group. Their album Fiamma Fumana 1.0 was released globally in February 2001. ~ Diana Potts

Fiamma Fumana discography

2 discs

1,0 - Fiamma Fumana
Onda - Fiamma Fumana