Midnight Red

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Midnight Red
About Midnight Red
American boy band Midnight Red began in 2009, originally calling themselves FLYTE. Bandmembers Colton Rudloff, Anthony Ladao, Thomas Augusto, Joey Diggs, Jr., and Eric Secharia all met through their various aspirations within the music industry, ranging from auditions for a revamped version of Menudo to tryouts for American Idol. Coming together from various American towns to relocate in California, where they eventually caught the attention of producer Nadir Khayatso, known as RedOne. RedOne helped secure the band a contract with Interscope Records and shortly thereafter they were gaining new fans as the opening act on the NKOTBSB tour. A self-titled EP was released in the spring of 2011. In 2013, Midnight Red switched labels, moving from Interscope to Capitol, releasing new single, "Take Me Home," while working on material for a full-length debut. ~ Fred Thomas

Midnight Red discography

6 discs

Where Did U Go? - Single - Midnight Red
Where Did U Go? - Single
Take Me Home - Single - Midnight Red
Take Me Home - Single
Hell Yeah - Single - Midnight Red
Hell Yeah - Single
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