Pedro Abrunhosa

Pedro Abrunhosa song lyrics

77 songs

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Pedro Abrunhosa
About Pedro Abrunhosa
Collaborating with Spanish composer Enrique X. Macias, lyricist and upright bass player Pedro Abrunhosa has written some of Portugal's most endearing tunes. A native of Portugal, Abrunhosa studied at the School of Ruvina Music at the age of 12. Inspired to take a more serious approach to music study, he transferred to the prestigious School of Portuguese Music in 1976 where he studied under the professors Alvaro Salazar and Jorge Peixinho. ~ Craig Harris

Pedro Abrunhosa discography

3 discs

Somos Portugal - Tudo o Que Eu Te Dou - Single - Pedro Abrunhosa
Somos Portugal - Tudo o Que Eu Te Dou - Single
F - Ep - Pedro Abrunhosa
F - Ep
Silêncio - Pedro Abrunhosa