Salt the Wound

Salt the Wound song lyrics

25 songs

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Salt the Wound
About Salt the Wound
An oddly good date (September 11, 2001) for a metalcore (i.e., a band dealing with loss, destruction, pain, etc.) band to form, Cleveland, OH's Salt the Wound came to life on that infamous day and -- after numerous lineup changes -- eventually released their debut full-length in 2008. Formed by original drummer (he would depart in 2006) Jim Agrippe and Mike Kawkabany (guitars and vocals), Salt the Wound released their first EP, It's Taken Too Long, in 2004. Over the course of the next three years, Salt would go through drummers, bassists, vocalists, and their original members, and would end up looking -- and sounding -- considerably different from their initial launch. In 2008, the band -- after having landed a deal with Rotten Records, and somewhat settled on the Matt Tanner (vocals), Vince Stropki (guitar), Jake Scott (guitar), Brian Martinez (bass), Rob Walters (drums) lineup -- released their first full-length album Carnal Repercussions. ~ Chris True

Salt the Wound discography

3 discs

Kill the Crown - Salt the Wound
Kill the Crown
Ares - Salt the Wound
Carnal Repercussions - Salt the Wound
Carnal Repercussions