Samsas Traum

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Samsas Traum
About Samsas Traum
Formed in 1996 by Alexander Kaschte, Samsas Traum was a German (eventually calling Austria home) experimental metal act, encompassing elements of dark wave, black metal, and symphonic metal. The project came together out of Kaschte's frustration with the group dynamic, and he released his first solo work, Nostalgische Atavismen, in 1996. That was followed by a second demo release, Home Recordings, that same year. Following these demo releases on his own, Samsas Traum, ironically, took on members, and became a group. Now a trio, Samsas Traum scored a record deal with Trisol Music Group in 1999. The group's official debut,' Die Liebe Gottes -- Eine märchenhafte black metal --Operette (The Love of God -- A Black Metal Fairy Tale Opera) saw the dark of night in 1999, and was met with mixed reception. Their next album, O Luna Mein, came out in 2000, and was a more avant garde affair. The band released a handful of albums and EPs over the next few years (2001's Utopia, 2002's Ipsissima Verba EP, 2003's Tineoidea oder: Die Folgen einer Nacht -- Eine Gothicoper in Blut-Moll, a best-of in 2004, 2005's DVD and CD release, Einer gegen Alle, and a smattering of re-releases and remixes). In 2007 the band released two markedly different albums, one very black, Heiliges Herz -- Das Schwert deiner Sonne, and one very acoustic and personal, Wenn schwarzer Regen. ~ Chris True

Samsas Traum discography

37 discs

Das vergessene Album - Samsas Traum
Das vergessene Album
Scheiden tut weh - Samsas Traum
Scheiden tut weh
Maden.Flohmarkt - Die total asoziale Raritätensammlung, Vol. 4 - Samsas Traum
Maden.Flohmarkt - Die total asoziale Raritätensammlung, Vol. 4
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