Wild Beasts

Wild Beasts song lyrics

59 songs

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Wild Beasts
About Wild Beasts
With Hayden Thorpe's falsetto lending the Wild Beasts afrobeat and rockabilly infused post-punk an absolutely surreal tint, the Brit outfit swiftly built a local following in the mid-'00s in its adoptive Leeds hometown, before generating an international underground buzz by the decade's end. It's a borderline musical circus as the four-piece band changes tempo at will and switches up genres as many as four times in one song. Thorpe also favors flamboyant and literate Morrissey-esque lyrics furthering the band's musical disorientation and glorious descent into rock & roll fever.

Wild Beasts discography

1 disc

Life Is a Bum - Single - Wild Beasts
Life Is a Bum - Single