Mala Juntera

Mala Juntera song lyrics

17 songs

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Mala Juntera
Granada, Spain

About Mala Juntera
Mala Juntera is a Spanish rap supergroup based around producer Hazhe and MCs Acción Sánchez, Zatu, and Capaz. The four met in Granada, and the idea of making an album together emerged and took shape over five weekends in 2012. Their 2013 debut disc, titled Cracks, was a fun tribute to the hip-hop of the '90s. ~ Mariano Prunes

Mala Juntera discography

3 discs

Cracks - Mala Juntera
Cracks (Versión Comentada) - Mala Juntera
Cracks (Versión Comentada)
Flava - Single - Mala Juntera
Flava - Single