Manuel Cortés

Manuel Cortés song lyrics

3 songs

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Manuel Cortés
About Manuel Cortés
The son of flamenco singer Chiquetete and TV host Raquel Bollo, Manuel Cortés is a Spanish singer born in 1995. Cortés' parents divorced when he was a child and he grew up with his mother. Nevertheless, when it was time to choose a profession, he decided to become a singer. Inspired by both flamenco greats such as Camarón and Parrita and pop stars such as Alejandro Sanz and Michael Jackson, Cortés released his solo debut, Algo de Mí, in 2017.

Manuel Cortés discography

2 discs

Esperarte - Single - Manuel Cortés
Esperarte - Single
Mi Alma - Single - Manuel Cortés
Mi Alma - Single