Rafael Buendia

Rafael Buendia song lyrics

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Rafael Buendia
About Rafael Buendia
From Rancho Nuevo de Morelos in Zacatecas, Rafael Buendia became one of the most famous and prolific entertainers in Mexico. He worked as a composer, singer, producer, and filmmaker, and also achieved fame in the '70s as part of the Dueto Fronterizo with his wife. A corrido singer, he recorded a number of solo albums, primarily for RCA. ~ Stacia Proefrock

Rafael Buendia discography

22 discs

La del Morral - Rafael Buendia
La del Morral
Frente a Frente - Rafael Buendia
Frente a Frente
Rafael Buend’a Con Banda - Rafael Buendia
Rafael Buend’a Con Banda
See all discs