Raza Obrera

Raza Obrera song lyrics

12 songs

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Raza Obrera
About Raza Obrera
Mexican Raza Obrera comprises Rigoberto Peña (aka el Melesio), Simón Rivera, José Luis Arroyo, Jerónimo Ortíz, and Roberto González (aka El Gurrumin). After signing up with Ego Records International, founded in Tulare, CA, by Erasmo González, the five-member outfit debuted in 1996 with the release of El Aguila Gonzalez and became involved in the U.S. regional/Mexican music scene with El Cocinero and Corridazos Prohibidos. Raza Obrera deliver lyrics based on controversial issues related to the Mexican working-class known as la Raza. ~ Drago Bonacich

Raza Obrera discography

22 discs

Futa - Single - Raza Obrera
Futa - Single
El Regreso del Cocinero - Single - Raza Obrera
El Regreso del Cocinero - Single
Arpacumbiando Mas Underground y Mas Maldito - Raza Obrera
Arpacumbiando Mas Underground y Mas Maldito
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