Cattivi Pensieri

Cattivi Pensieri song lyrics

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Cattivi Pensieri
About Cattivi Pensieri
Italian pop band Cattivi Pensieri started playing under the name of Broken Hearts, even when the band was recording its first album called Non Siamo Facili. The name was changed before issuing the group's second album Cattivi Pensieri, which means bad thoughts, based on the troubles the band had to go through during the first years in the music business. Led by singer from Milan Cinzia Farolfi, the five-piece act participated in San Remo's Festival in 1997 with a song called "Quello Che Sento," that same year releasing an album called La Scatola. In January of 1998, Cattivi Pensieri joined the Radiothon, a charitable marathon to defeat AIDS, touring Europe during the summer while the band's popularity was growing throughout the continent. ~ Drago Bonacich