Danny Ocean

Danny Ocean song lyrics

55 songs

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Danny Ocean
About Danny Ocean
Singer/producer Danny Ocean was born Daniel Morales in Caracas, Venezuela. He worked for a time under the moniker Danny O.C.T., beginning a music career around 2009 and producing several EPs before relocating to Miami, Florida around 2015 to escape the bleak political and economic landscape of Venezuela. Working low-paying jobs and feeling generally lonely and displaced, Morales wrote the song "Me Rehuso" in 2016, thinking of his girlfriend back in Venezuela. He uploaded the song to his YouTube channel, and while it was slow to catch on, the song eventually became a viral hit, streamed hundreds of millions of times online and even going so far as to demand a relaunch and an English-language version, "Baby I Won't." Danny Ocean signed to an interesting partnership of major labels in 2017, with Warner Music Latina handling his Spanish-sung recordings while Atlantic worked his English-sung material. In 2018 he teamed up with Skrillex for the single "Epa Wei." ~ Fred Thomas

Danny Ocean discography

35 discs

Incandescenn - Single - Danny Ocean
Incandescenn - Single
Alternate - EP - Danny Ocean
Alternate - EP
Chillout-Weltreise - Danny Ocean
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