Girls Under Glass

Love As a Symbol

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Let's take love as a symbol for passion and for power
Let's take control as a symbol
Even for an hour
Let's take love as a symbol for pain and for possession
Let's take love as a statement for joy and for obsession

The secret of love
What is the secret of love?

If we knew about the secret
Love would always be a weapon
If we knew what love causes
We will always know what happens
If we know about the dream if we knew what we have seen
You realize her mysterious eyes
As you touch her she cries
As you touch her she dies
In front of your eyes

Let's take love as a symbol for passion and for power
Let's take control as a symbol
Even for an hour
What's the meaning of the symbol?
What's the meaning of all ideals?
What's the secret and the symbol for love?

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