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Me and Milee

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How, how do I, how do I, turn this thing around
This feeling grows and it shows but I can't slow down

Slow down

I probably should, probably should have gotten off long ago
But now I'm falling and I'm calling you, oh no

How much longer til I can't control
What my heart is screaming to me
If I'm scared then why can't I let go
Maybe because I like me and Milee

Who, who am I, who am I, to confess how I feel
Cuz I'm a chump, and a grump, just wait until

you find that I'm a super dork

K, maybe I lied, but maybe not, I think we could be fun
And now I'm singing that my heart has, it's won

How much longer til I can't control
What my heart is screaming to me
If I'm scared then why can't I let go
Maybe because I like me and Milee