The Growlers

Magnificent Sadness

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That ain't a home, it's a furnace, in need of some matches
I can't believe how long you've lived with magnificent sadness
When so much pain's in the heart it doesn't seem real
Hard to believe that good can come out of something so evil

Never too young to feel
Takes a while to heal
Never too young to feel
Trouble happens to the rich and the poor
To the prude or the downright whore
No need to know what for
Pain's nothing less than inevitable

Once he realized it's his choice
And he could walk out, jealous of the boys
And the normal house
He started hanging with the rebel crowd
And he learned to walk proud
With the sun in his laughing mouth

Never too young to feel
Takes a while to heal
Never too young to feel
Trouble happens to the rich and the poor
To the prude or the downright whore
No need to know what for
Pain's nothing less than inevitable
The young or old don't need to know what for

He feels the courage build
Like a sunrise upon the hill
Showing hope that he can
Someday understand