
Nagame No Ii Basho (inglês)

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Let's go out to the prairie where flowers bloom all over
The waterfowls gather to have lunch on the lake

Hey, look!
It's a newborn baby goose
If we look out from a sunny place, our hearts will also feel warm all over

Such a small thing makes our hearts happy
When I see you laughing, my happiness expands

If we try to throw away our worries from a place with a good view
We'll feel refreshed and even the sky will seem to clear

Hey, let's now bury the letters in which we wrote our dreams Together under this lilac place, i
t'll be a secret for just the both of us

Our hearts have drawn close to each other in such a short time Becoming good friends is more wonderful than anything...

Such a small thing makes our hearts happy If I see you laughing,
I can be happy anywhere