John Vanderslice

Peacocks in the Video Rain

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You can tell a cable from a tourniquet
When 10,000 12-year-olds mouth along
Tiny broken operatic sounds dissolved
A loss that could not be found

I know your mother
I watched her watching you
Sequined 8-year-old cowboy
She knew exactly what to do

I love you too
I'm only lonely through and through

my friends say it's sad
To hang my hat
On such a silly pop singer
An off the wall ringer

But to stand and deliver
At such an undeniable cost
Love is hard to give
Love is hard to take

So I'm out the door
On a 10-week tour
So please get my mail
And tell donnie I had to bail

I love you too
I'm only lonely through and through

I saw a boy in shibuya
Mapping out your moves
Against a wall
They filmed â??high and lowâ??
Sending you a message
Sending you a code

I love you too
I'm only lonely through and through

Writer/s: John Vanderslice

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