Teddy Geiger

Seven Days Without You

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Sitting here counting the hours
Waiting for the sun to kiss the sea
Paralyzed by the fragrance of the flowers
They remind me of you and me

There's one love in a lifetime
Our two hearts of a kind
These three reasons you'll be mine
Four when five and six are through
Seven days without you

Making plans just to stop the aching
Chasing thoughts from a million miles away
Hypnotized as another dawn is breaking
I rehearse the words I want to say

There's one love in a lifetime
Our two hearts of a kind
These three reasons you'll be mine
Four when five and six are through
Seven days without you

Well I will find a way into your heart
So let me try and sleep before we know

There's one love in a lifetime
Our two hearts of a kind
These three reasons you'll be mine
Four when five and six are through
Seven days without you