St. Lucia


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Ah Tokyo
Ah Tokyo

You call me up in the middle of the night
When the air is thick with neon light
Let's take a walk through the city to the night
Cause the end is coming babe alright

But ah Tokyo
Ah Tokyo

She pull your sleeves like a cat on speed
See the televisions blinking “Sing”
And in the corner an old man sings Revolution Love and Let it Be

Oh ah Tokyo
(Go down to Tokyo)
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)

Your silhouette looks so good on the street
With the old bus stop and the cherry tree
All of the ghosts take the subway home
As the rain pours down around our feet

Oh ah Tokyo
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)

Ah Tokyo
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)
Ah Tokyo
(Go on to Tokyo)

To see ya
Baby I'm dying to see ya
Baby I'm dying to see ya
Baby I'm dying to see ya

Writer/s: Jean-Phillip Grobler