Pascal Comelade


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My baby drove up in a brand new Cadillac
Yes, she did
My baby drove up in a brand new Cadillac
She said, "Hey, come here, Daddy"
"I ain't never comin' back"
Baby, baby, won't you hear my plea?
C'mon, sugar, just come on back to me
She said, "Balls to you, Big Daddy"
Baby, baby, won't you hear my plea?
Oh come on, just hear my plea
She said, "Balls to you, Daddy"
She ain't coming back to me
Baby, baby drove up in a Cadillac
I said, "Jesus Christ, where'd you get that Cadillac?"
She said, "Balls to you, big Daddy"
She ain't never coming back!
She ain't never coming back!
She ain't never coming back!
She ain't never coming back!
She ain't never coming back!