
Chainsaw Lullaby

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Violenttwitch, growling pitch
Mechanical terror is out on the prowl, bitch
Tucked within "cadaver's inn"
Gonna carve'em a Siamese fucking twin
Fatal roar, fright galore
Sweet little dreams soon quartered in four
Night's the bait, death's the trait
Cruel is the fate moving in for the checkmate

Carving, cleaving, chopping, cutting, ripping, slicing, laceration
Slashing, fucking, hacking, stabbing, piercing, scraping, mutilation

The chain and the saw shall be the law
Pull the cord to the nightmare overture
Horrors of foul gore knock on the door
As the blade sings the chainsaw lullaby

Chainsaw lullaby
Mocking, cursing, loathing, grinning, writhing, throbbing, depravation
Sniffling, drooling, hissing, gnawing, chewing, spitting, deformation

The chain and the saw shall be the law
Pull the cord to the nightmare overture
Horrors of foul gore knock on the door
As the blade sings the chainsaw lullaby

Buzzing air, ill fanfare
Engineering the devil's own welfare
Mean machine, ran obscene
Offering gas fuelled vaccine
Oil on rust, blood on dust
Necromantical thirst for motorlust

Carving, cleaving, chopping, cutting, ripping, slicing, laceration
Slashing, fucking, hacking, shitting, piercing, scraping, mutilation

Oh here we go again

The honor to say grace with a peeled off face
Mal de mer liquid crimson mire
A powered carnivore sure ain't no bore
Limbs process the chainsaw lullaby

Writer/s: Jonas Petter Renkse