
Girlfriends Don't Keep

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Just go to sleep
I'm with my girlfriend
But girlfriends don't keep
No, girlfriends don't keep

With my girlfriend
But girlfriends don't keep
She'll leave me and hurt me and make me cry
And just when I think I'm gonna die

I'll find another who can make me smile
But I know it's only gonna last a little while
'Cause girlfriends don't keep
No, girlfriends don't keep

I know it's only gonna last a little while
'Cause girlfriends don't keep
Now that I thought I lost myself again
She loves another she just wants to be friends

So she's showing the usual heart break ways
I know she's gonna be mine one of these days
Girlfriends don't keep
No, girlfriends don't keep

I know she's gonna break my heart these days
Girlfriends don't keep