Toro y Moi

Ordinary Guy

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Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh

I don't drive a beautiful car
I don't own an elegant home
I don't have thousands to spend
Or a seaside cottage for the weekend

I'm just an ordinary, ordinary guy
Afro-Filipino, average sort of guy
That's what I am
Ordinary man you left behind

Exclusive nightclubs are out of style with me
'Cause I don't associate with high society
I don't hang around playboy millionaires
I'm just an ordinary guy you left behind

I'm just an ordinary, ordinary guy
Afro-Filipino, average sort of guy

Ordinary, ordinary guy
Afro-Filipino, average sort of guy
That's what I am
Ordinary man you left behind

Writer/s: Bataan Nitollano