Saddle Brown

Welcome To The Pits

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I ain't the one who was born with the silver spoon
I was sworn to the oath to do what you do, to stay alive
My ethics and ways was misunderstood
I did a whole lot of bad tryin' to make it good, to change my life
But the deeper I dug the farther I got
And everything I thought was cool started getting hot
I made it to the core, I'm standing at a door
With a welcome sign that says the bottom floor

It says welcome to the pits, I know how to make you rich
Sacrifice everything now it's come down to this
You're all by yourself, you've lost everyone else
So walk on through that door and accept this deal
Let me preserve your soul cause I know you're on the road to Nashville

A lot of strange things started taking place
Everyone I thought I knew had a second face
Behind those eyes
All the pieces of the puzzle just didn't fit
I found the breeding ground for the hypocrites
With all their lies
Lord, give me a sign cause I don't have a prayer
Am I living my dream or living my nightmare?
'Cause I've seen a lot of scars, a million broken hearts
I can see your light shining but it still feels dark

'Cause I been in the pits, woke up in a ditch, God sent me an angel that I dismissed
Oh, bad southern blood god send me southern love
'Cause my heart beats to the sound of the fiddle and steel
I'm searching for my soul and Lord knows it's in the pits of Nashville

I'm searching for my soul, I'm looking for me, the confident man I used to be
Remove this cloud, remove this dark, Lord please remove this shadow from my heart
'Cause I been in the pits but I just didn't fit
Please bring back my angel and all the things I missed

Writer/s: Brian K. Blake