Aesop Rock


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I turn a staff to a snake and back, evade crack, shake a 5150 in shades and a fake 'stache, dirt bike made of 5 worse bikes, uphill, table top frames on dutch tilt, crush kill, maker bot, coin-op arcade punk, talkin' arcane science, dark age pulp, 4 eyes, carb face, Bar-Kays iron-on, Pork rinds, orange-aid, jarred brains die alone, no mulligans, crow bar his birdcage, cold, colonize mars on earth day, and surface from the cellar door like worms into the petrichor, messenger, better yet a vessel for a tetris score, zilch, cowabunga, homies call me 'press ignore', devastating energy exploding off his tesla coil, farm bated breath and temperamental tremors, that taught him how to wave with ten percent of his fingers, and I never lost tic-tac-toe to a live chicken for the footage, I'm off cam dynamite fishing, the diamondback rattles in his holy grail, evoke colony collapse via gross betrayal, 3 wolf moon shirt, 2 shoes, one sock, wore the same hoodie every day like Mumra, badum-bum, follow the regenerated rebel flesh, out of sorts, out of water, suicidal tetra fish, who stood by the conviction in his "we should be together less, forevermore, before we are the severed heads of civil war", invasive radio ricochet of his silver foil, trash can fire looking for a kill to grill or spoil, quickly, purveyors of fine hi-jinx, I know, this is why we can't have nice things, I prefer to skip the pleasantries, flip the diner table, dip in time for Final Jeopardy, no shit

Magpies, hoarders, and allied forces, who lick zig-zags being dragged by horses, transcribe stories in patterns of pins-dropping, skinned boars and exaggerated limb-lopping, slow mozart, no I've never heard of knocking, might've burst in on it splits or skin popping, opt out, sober on the eve of no saints day, locate and aim for the token proane tank, bang, follow from a pulling of hair, to a homecoming sullied by a skull on a spear, it spun a human resources issue to public affair, reciprocity is a pestilent compulsion to bear, and ultimately unfulfilling, concurrently that rigid upper lip and grudge are crippling, the wonder twins of bitching, armchair hater, I wouldn't piss on your coffin, but when I see your picture I draw dicks on it, the ozone breakaway tux hold chicken wire ribs and paper-mache guts, pipe cleaner moustache, rope hands, google eyes, macaroni gas face, no plan to humanize, you are now rocking with the worst, nothing up his sleeve, nothing here is what it seems, paranormal weather, mysteriously disappearing bees, not to mention the collateral delirium it breeds, jeez, forgive him any dicey past, he from a tiny town called "death's icy grasp", and he don't get out much, but when he do it's beatle-mania, do not be asleep at the feet of his feeler's radius, too charitable offer any average joe, some real estate between the big mouth billy bass and jackelope, cozy in a moment of bliss, I'll snatch your food off your plate, I'll snatch a goat of a bridge, no shit

Don't fool with his cool