
All I Want

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1.Verse: I want that you tell me what you're feelin'
Don't guess what I think or maybe dreamin'
I need nothin' more than trust in
me boy trust in me

You want me doin' what you thought me
And try to control me, if I go for a pee
Do you wanna take the mickey out of
Me yeah out of me

You bring me up and you bring me down
I don't need your roller coaster trip
'Cause all I want and all I need is
let me be oh let me be myself

I don't wanna be your sweetie
I just want that you take me seriously
Please boy listen to what's depressin' me
Oh listen to me

I guess it was well meant of you but I
Don't need your advices
To know who I am and wath I want
I think I Know it best


Up and down.....


5.Verse: Don't brood to much over my life
I think you should use your time right
So boy do what you wanna do and
be yourself

I'm I'm just a
girl you cannot teach me what
to feel or what's the best for me2x


6./ 1.Verse:
I want that you tell me what you're feelin'
Don't guess what I think or maybe dreamin'
I need nothin' more than trust in
me boy trust in me boy trust in me
trust me