Letras de canciones
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Traducción automática
NOTA IMPORTANTE El uso de traducciones automáticas suele dar resultados inesperados.

Translation: Angela Buxton

Aparece en la discografía de

Barcelona ’71

Versión de Raimon
A bright morning
yellow, pink, white,
with small clouds
against the startled blue
of a still winter sky
in Barcelona.

The city is already awakening
with all its sounds.
In the University the Greys(*),
like in many other days of the year,
for very many years,
are ready to enter the lecture rooms;
eager for culture
and to do gymnastic exercises
on the heads of the students;
who don’t want to understand
the subtle theory of public order,
defended by, among others,
the local living forces
with a complete lack of hegemonic
interest in the good of the country;
a concept of slight ambiguity
and of a more than profitable use
throughout the changing and multiform times.

In the factories the workers
have already been working for hours
in order to live
like the workers live in this country.
In case they don’t,
the same Greys,
eager to learn all the trades,
explain with arguments that are
more schematic, forceful
and easily understood,
the same theory that is explained in the University:
the absorbing necessity of public order.
The living and private forces,
a little more interested,
and showing in an ostentatious way
their concept of hegemony,
even if only local,
go on defending
the inexpressible theory of public order for the good
of the country;
a concept of slight ambiguity
and of a more than profitable use
throughout the changing and multiform times.

All Europe knows:
Spain is tolerant
with painters, musicians,
Intellectuals, actors and those learning to be poets.

(*) Name used to refer to the police during Franco’s time because of the colour of their uniforms.





Novedad discográfica

por María Gracia Correa el 03/04/2024

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