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So Long, Its Been Good To Know Yuh (o Dusty Old Dust)

Versión de Woody Guthrie
I've sung this song, but I'll sing it again,
Of the place that I lived on the wild windy plains,
In the month called April, county called Gray,
And here's what all of the people there say:

So long, it's been good to know yuh;
So long, it's been good to know yuh;
So long, it's been good to know yuh.
This dusty old dust is a-gettin' my home,
And I got to be driftin' along.

A dust storm hit, an' it hit like thunder;
It dusted us over, an' it covered us under;
Blocked out the traffic an' blocked out the sun,
Straight for home all the people did run,

We talked of the end of the world, and then
We'd sing a song an' then sing it again.
We'd sit for an hour an' not say a word,
And then these words would be heard:

Sweethearts sat in the dark and sparked,
They hugged and kissed in that dusty old dark.
They sighed and cried, hugged and kissed,
Instead of marriage, they talked like this:

Now, the telephone rang, an' it jumped off the wall,
That was the preacher, a-makin' his call.
He said, "Kind friend, this may the end;
An' you got your last chance of salvation of sin!"

The churches was jammed, and the churches was packed,
An' that dusty old dust storm blowed so black.
Preacher could not read a word of his text,
An' he folded his specs, an' he took up collection,

So long, it's been good to know yuh;
So long, it's been good to know yuh;
So long, it's been good to know yuh.
This dusty old dust is a-gettin' my home,
And I got to be driftin' along.






el 08/05/2024

Giovanna Marini, una figura histórica del canto popular italiano, falleció a los 87 años tras una breve enfermedad. Su dedicación a la música y la tradición oral ha dejado una profunda huella en varias generaciones de músicos y oyentes. Ella recogió y popularizó la canción Bella Ciao.

Novedad discográfica

el 17/05/2024

El trovador cubano Silvio Rodríguez ha anunciado la publicación para este próximo mes de junio de su nuevo álbum Quería saber con canciones "del siglo XXI menos una".