Letras de canciones
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Translation: Robert Archer

Aparece en la discografía de

You are the end in which all ends must meet

You are the end in which all ends must meet,
there is no end that does not lead to you.
You are the good by which all good is gauged,
and none is good unless he is like you.
Whomever you please you turn into a god,
in your likeness raised to man’s highest rung;
it follows, then: who keeps the Devil pleased
will take the name of he whose ways he chose.

This life has its wordly ends to offer,
and none of them true, that lead man to bliss;
where the world’s good ends, there true good begins,
as far as men can such things understand.
Some philosophers claim this world contains
true good, but each the other contradicts,
a sign infallible it holds no truth;
that’s why such good cannot make man content.

In itself the Law of Moses held no good
(Paradise could not be entered by that route),
but it was the beginning of our own,
so one might say that these two form one Law.
Just so, that end which human will desires
leaves restless appetite to go unchecked,
yet none without it reach that other end:
Saint John was sent to prophesize our Lord.

Whoever other than the true end seeks
can never have respite: elsewhere our will
cannot rest – this much knows each simple fool -
but man’s desires in you can find an end.
Just as all rivers rush down to the sea,
so every end must finally meet in you.





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