Letras de canciones
Vota: +1


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Translation: Barbara Dane

Aparece en la discografía de

The little bird’s complaint

Up in the branch of a cactus
a little bird was complaining:
“Everyone wants to be rulers,
rulers with chains and with shackles.”

Oh yes, oh no,
dear little bird of my heart,
oh yes, oh no,
little bird so full of pain.

Latin American brothers,
lift up your heads and be proud.
And let’s demand from “the man”
all if our promises filled.

Latin American brothers,
our land is not so poor!
But they come here from far away,
and leave us without a penny!

When a poor person asks for help,
they deny it on the spot.
They tell him so many stories
that he goes away thinking he’s happy.

And if there’s taxes to pay,
they send forst to the poor.
The rich man is very busy,
hiding his dough under cover.

The nation demands of its sons
respect and prudent wisdom.
The sons give back to their country
governors with very thick skins.

Up in the branch of a cactus
the little bird sings no more.
From looking at so much injustice
his little throat has gone dry!





Novedad discográfica

por María Gracia Correa el 03/04/2024

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Novedad discográfica

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