Letras de canciones
Vota: +2


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Translation: Angela Buxton

Aparece en la discografía de

I’ve walked through Valencia, alone

Versión de Raimon
I’ve walked through Valencia, alone,
Where there are people who love me a lot
Where there are people who love me a little
Where there are people who don’t love me at all.

I’ve gone back to carrer la Nau
Where I studied and fell in love
Where I made many good friends
And some stupid enemies.

I’ve walked through carrer la Pau
March and Fuster(1) dazzled me
Roig and Estellés(2) came together for me
Alfaro and Ventura(3) encouraged me.

In that train from Xàtiva to Valencia
My father took me to Malvarrosa(4)
My hand held tight in his.
I saw the sea for the first time.

In front of me I have that child
Looking and looking at the enormous sea
Sweet and bitter and distant the memory
Life lived that will not return.

I’ve walked through Valencia, alone
I’ve gone back to carrer la Nau
I’ve walked through carrer la Pau
Years filled with life that have made and are making me.

I’ve walked through Valencia, alone.

(1) Ausiàs March: Valencian poet of fifteenth century Catalan literature. / Joan Fuster, Valencian writer (1922-1999): possibly the best essayist of twentieth century Catalan literature.
(2) Jaume Roig: Valencian doctor and writer of fifteenth century Catalan literature / Vicent Andrés Estellés (1924-1993): well-known poet.
(3) Andreu Alfaro: famous sculptor. / Vicent Ventura (1924-1998): writer and journalist. O ne of the founders of the S ocialist Party of the Valencian Country.
(4) One of the beaches of the city of Valencia.





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