Guns (Are For Pussies)

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Here comes the thunder down under
We're natural wonders
Night falls when we leave all you feel is the hunger
Suprises people of all shapes and sizes
Dig on the decade and realize it's all funkay
No matter this rude boy still got that swagger
My ears have heard all these crews but we're badder
Interracial, special, positive beings
I am i be a cool awakening
It's gettin hectic the metrics the body electric
Everybody in worn out blue jeans or tacky dresses
This is the city we've reached we've come to
Go unrecognized on the corner or make moves
All the lights are red all the poets dead
A familiar nightmare appears in my head
Times are changin' myself i'm rearrangin'
Dream eight-thousand-five-twelve blazin'

Born to act out, born to act out
Paranoid with a gat
Born to act out, born to act out
Think you know where it's at
Born to act out, born to act out

But you're lookin' like a sissie