I'll Be Here A While

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I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while

Far is solace in the maddening pace
sad state written on my face
not a tight rope walk but dance
uncertain game of chance
but I'll see it through in time

I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while

And if a person place or thing can deliver
I will quiver with delight
tempted by the hand that could
blind my vision and sight
but at twenty years of age
in frolic and in rage
I will see it through in time

I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhere
I'll be here a while