On Thursdays We Eat Cake

The sun shone this Thursday
​And everyone was there
​We all got together
​And cake was everywhere

​It's been such a long time
​And such a stressful road
​We don't know where we're going
​But it'll be High in Sugar

​Oh we're having cake today
​On thursdays we eat cake
​Oh you gotta bake today
​To make it all okay

​We ate chocolate, raspberry, apple pear
​Mud and banana and we don't really care
​That half of the people i'm about to list
​Don't hang out with us unless we have cake

​Gee-uhn? giaan
​Kiaaaarn? kian

​Matt, kat and jonah
​Sarah, lena, jett
​Caleb, imi, jacob
​Nick, jack, bec

​There was sammy, brodie, jarl
​Aaron times two
​Lachlan, T, tristan
​The whole damn crew​​​​​!​​​​​

​It was imi, asta, liv
​Ruby, abby, clare
​Jim, sam, tom
There was lots to spare

Autor(es): Jonah Myers