Running With Chopsticks

Inflammatory statements making motivations clear
Easily manipulated fears
That we will not survive the coming years, well

All the generations
Lost to general divide

News stations registered as entertainment, exhausting by design
"I won't believe this cause I don't agree with it
This is not fact, this is just your opinion," and

All the information
In the information age is lies

We're gonna wake up someday to the future we deserve
We let them strip away our freedom to feel more secure

And they'll betray the masses
So long as policy survives

Scoreboards comprised of body counts as speculation flies
Comments on outrageous articles, confirmation bias aside

"And once again, it's tragic
But not enough to change our minds"

We're gonna wake up someday to the future we deserve
We let them strip away our freedom to feel more secure

Run, run, run, hashirenai
Run, run, run

Autor(es): The Birdwatchers