Take You Back

Take you back(带你回来)
Take you back to the way I made the same,and made me hard to breath in my grave.(我拼尽全力只为带你回来,尽管我已濒临绝境,无法呼吸)
Take you back to the way I made the same,and made me hard to breath in my grave.(我拼尽全力只为带你回来,尽管我已濒临绝境,无法呼吸)
More than you know,fight on my road,it wasn't the time to go,I know,maybe I should stay alone.(也许你并不知道,我一直在自己的道路上奋力拼搏,因为我知道现在还不是放弃的时候,也许我应该独自一人孤单前行)
I just wanna sing for you,and you are never sing for me,never apologize it wasn't I need.(我已为你拼尽全力,而你视而不见,我不需要你的道歉)
Everybody tell the lie,and everytime I lose mind.(身边充斥的谎言,使我迷失了自己)
I wish you stay with me tonight.(此时此刻我只希望你能陪伴在身边)
What can I do with pain,tell me when can I see you again we can together face the pain,face the pain.(我该如何面对眼前这一切困难痛苦,告诉我何时才能再次见到你,我不想再次独自默默承担这一切)
Together face the pain,you say everything will be alright,so please don't lose your mind,lose your mind.(你曾说过一切都会好起来,所以我不能再次迷失自己,请你也要坚守自己的信念)
I need you now,tell you aloud,I try hard to make you pround of me,not too much longer now(想要大声告诉你,我需要你,我尽力让你为我骄傲,相信那一天不会遥远)
More than you know,fight on my road,it wasn't the time to go,I know,maybe I should stay alone.(也许你并不知道,我一直在自己的道路上奋力拼搏,因为我知道现在还不是放弃的时候,也许我应该独自一人孤单前行)
I just wanna sing for you,and you are never sing for me,never apologize it wasn't I need.(我已为你拼尽全力,而你视而不见,我不需要你的道歉)
Everybody tell the lie,and everytime I lose mind.(身边充斥的谎言,使我迷失了自己)
I wish you stay with me tonight.(此时此刻我只希望你能陪伴在身边)
What can I do with pain,tell me when can I see you again I don't wanna do in vain,face the pain.(我该如何面对眼前这一切困难痛苦,告诉我何时才能再次见到你,我不想再次独自默默承担这一切)
Don't wanna do in vain,you say everything will be alright,so please don't lose your mind,lose your mind.(你曾说过一切都会好起来,所以我不能再次迷失自己,请你也要坚守自己的信念)
Wake up,I try my best to catch the last.(醒来吧,我会尽自己最大努力抓住机会)
Break up,I feel something will burn in my heart.(冲破一切,我已感受到心中的火焰在燃烧)
Wake up,whatever they say who we are.(醒来吧,无论别人如何评价)
Break up,I feel something will burn in my heart.(冲破一切,我已感受到心中的火焰在燃烧)
Take you back to the way I made the same,and made me hard to breath in my grave.(我拼尽全力只为带你回来,尽管我已濒临绝境

Autor(es): Dying Tonight