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Be Kind To The Boy On The Road

Versión de Billy Bragg
Who is that boy on the white winding highway?
Why does he roam alone?
Is he looking for life on that white winding highway?
For his parents dealt him trouble at home.

And I think he’s wrong standing there on that highway
Oh what a foolish young lad
But you yourself might be standing on that highway
If you had his trouble on your hands.

Don’t point your finger at that boy on the highway
As you travel down this road
Either give him your help or pass him with kindness
Cause he’s got all the trouble that he wants

Your policeman discourages that boy on the highway
It's hard everywhere that he goes
But the best way to help that boy on the highway
Is to fix all your troubles there at home

I've heard it said bout rolling stone boys
Gather no moss in their life
I'll tell you the bee that gets the honey
Ain't the bee that hangs around the hive.

Oh be kind to that boy on that white winding highway
As you travel on there alone
Remember the men that wrote your Bible
Are the ones who gave up their homes





Novedad discográfica

por María Gracia Correa el 03/04/2024

El jueves 14 de marzo Mayte Martín presentó en el Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla su nuevo espectáculo: Tatuajes. Se trata de una colección de joyas de grandes autores universales llevados magistralmente al territorio particular de la artista. Con este concierto y con el disco que lleva el mismo nombre, rinde homenaje a la canción de autor más global, a la que traspasa fronteras y conforma una parte primordial de la memoria sentimental de diferentes generaciones.

Novedad discográfica

por Carles Gracia Escarp el 03/04/2024

Desde los veintiún años la argentina Carmen Aciar es una barcelonesa más, llegó para descubrirse en su arte por las calles de Barcelona, sumando sus propias historias desde que llegó en ese agosto de 2022 para habitar esta ciudad en sus incertidumbres, sus composiciones ya conforman su primer disco Historias mías.