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Aparece en la discografía de

Jackhammer John

Versión de Woody Guthrie
Jackhammer John was a jackhammer man,
Born with a jackhammer in his hand.
Lord, Lord And he had them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I built your roads and buildings too,
And I'm gonna build a damn or two.
Lord, Lord, well I had them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I was borned in Portland town,
Built every port from Alasky down;
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

Built your bridges, dug your mines,
Been in jail a thousand times.
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

Jackhammer, jackhammer, where ya been?
Been out a-chasin' them gals again;
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

Jackhammer man from a jackhammer town,
I can hammer till the sun goes down,
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I hammered on the boulder, hammered on the butte,
Columbia River on a five-mile chute;
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

Workin' on the Bonneville, hammered all night
A-tryin' to bring the people some electric light,
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I hammered on Bonneville, Coulee too,
Always broke when my job was through,
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I hammered on the river from sun to sun,
Fifteen million salmon run;
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I hammered in the rain, I hammered in the dust,
I hammered in the best and I hammered in the worst;
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.

I got a jackhammer gal just as sweet as pie,
And I'm a-gonna hammer till the day I die,
Lord, Lord, well I got them jackhammer blues.
I got them jackhammer blues.






Las fotografías de Víctor Jara (X)

el 14/08/2024

Tras décadas de permanecer archivadas el astrofísico y fotógrafo aficionado Hernán Quintana ha donado al Archivo de la Escena Teatral de la Facultad de Artes de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 216 negativos fotográficos inéditos de Víctor Jara, capturados entre 1967 y 1968 donde aparece el icónico cantautor en su entorno familiar, en un viaje a Lonquén, su pueblo natal, y en la Casa de la Cultura de Ñuñoa, donde trabajaba como profesor.

Novedad editorial

por Xavier Pintanel el 07/06/2024

El último libro del maestro y cronista fundamental de la canción de autor Fernando González Lucini, Volad canciones, volad, nos invita a un viaje profundo y emotivo por la poesía hecha canción. Un libro, resultado de un esfuerzo monumental en investigación y documentación que reúne a los trece poetas más musicados en español, con sus trece poemas más versionados.