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Aparece en la discografía de

Old Folks

Versión de Nellie McKay
Oh yes, I was plenty lonesome and I never will forget
How the old folks shuffle past me - I can see their faces yet -
Eyes all red around the edges and a damp look deeper in
Eyes that's seen their share of troubles that we're always stumbling in.
Foreheads marked and cut with wrinkles like the plow tracks on a field
Cheeks sunk in against the bone lips that never can be sealed.
Hair as grey and splashed with silver as a moonlight winter's night
Faces - faces - faces - what a picture! What a sight!
Faces friendly like a mountain top that stands up in the sun
When the blank and rotten tenements melt into the filthy slum
Strong and hard but bony faces with a shine of high tanned leather
Faces that had laughed and loved, and cried in every kind of weather
Eyes that looked out of sockets, like a man looks out of jail -
Half a smile and half a sneer - half a love song and half a wail.
Necks and muscles hard as iron once, a little front ways stooped,
Shoulders that had carried whole worlds, just a little downward drooped.
Young heads bobbed along the tight crowd and bellowed out their noise
That roars just like a cyclone in the younger girls and boys:
Eyes that shot ahead like spot lights on the drifting stage below
Eyes that made my spirits brighter even now that I was low.
And I thought, I wondered - which of these
Can look upon the rest of us and say she's really pleased.






el 15/01/2025

El próximo 12 de febrero de 2025, el Wizink Center de Madrid será escenario del concierto homenaje Eternamente Pablo, un evento que celebrará la obra y la figura de Pablo Milanés, uno de los artistas más destacados de la música cubana y universal. El homenaje reunirá a familiares, amigos y artistas nacionales, en una velada marcada por la música y el inmenso amor hacia el cantautor, fallecido en noviembre de 2022.

Balace anual

el 31/12/2024

Regresamos con nuestra cita anual de nuestros 15 discos imprescindibles, esa lista que no es ni pretende ser una lista de los mejores, sino de aquellos que creemos que son representativos del año que nos acaba de dejar y que consideramos que es una buena herramienta para los amantes de la canción de autor. Este año añadimos dos títulos de alguien que siempre será imprescindible.